Wichita Rain Record

Rain Rain Go Away!

This time of year we know there are a lot of farmers and gardeners that look forward to a wet Spring to help their crops grow, but as is often…

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Company News
Sharp Homes Top Builder Award

Sharp Homes Named as Top Builder

This past week, the Wichita Business Journal held their 2nd Annual Real Estate Awards, and Sharp Homes was honored to be awarded in the Top Builder category for residential construction…

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Company News
Spring Clean Your New Home

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is finally here, and with the new season comes a spring home maintenance checklist! As you pack away the winter clothes and reach for the cleaning products, there are…

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Guides & Checklists
New Custom Home from Sharp Homes

Beware The Ides of March

Hard to believe it is already the middle of March! This year is flying by and we are entering in our busy season of home building. While the “Winter” weather…

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Company News
Spring New Home Construction in Wichita

March Madness

Even though we have had an unusually warm winter this year, it seems to have been exceptional – for the most part – this last week or two. Not only…

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Company News
Riverside Floor Plan Front Exterior

2017 International Builders Show

This past week, Craig and Brandon both attended the 2017 International Builders Show in sunny Orlando, Florida along with thousands of other builders, vendors, and suppliers from across the United…

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Company News
Sharp Homes Team

Sharp Homes’ Goal for 2017

2016 was a goal breaking year for Sharp Homes, and once again we can not express our thanks enough to our amazing homeowners who keep us busy and on our…

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Company News
Cordillera Custom New Construction Bar and Entertainment in Wichita

The End is Near

As 2016 draws to an end and we look back on the year that was…we were busy! By far one of our busiest years of custom home building yet, it…

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Company News
Sharp Homes Team 2017

We Are Live!

The new Sharp Homes website is live! We are so excited to officially launch our newly remodeled website with a more intuitive user experience and fresh layout. In our effort…

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Company News
Sharp Homes Team 2017

Fresh, Contemporary Look

We are so very excited to give a fresh, contemporary, and clean update to our website. Even though we just updated it a few years ago, it was time for…

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Company News