Severe Storm

How to Prepare Your Home for Severe Weather


Severe weather is a common concern for homeowners, especially here in Kansas. According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, weather-related disasters have cost Americans nearly $3 trillion since 1980. With this in mind, it’s important to take the time before severe storms hit to prepare ourselves and our homes for the inevitable thunderstorms. There are plenty of opportunities for Mother Nature to cause damage that can be prevented. Here are a few things Sharp Homes recommends Wichita homeowners do to prepare your home for severe weather.

Inspect Your Home’s Exterior

The outside of your home is your first and main defense against the elements. Take some time to do a visual walk around of your home to spot and address any potential issues that can cause damage during a storm:

  • Clear fallen limbs from your roof.
  • Make sure your gutters are clear of leaves or other debris.
  • Check your downspouts and extensions to make sure they drain rain at least 6 feet away from your home’s foundation.
  • Inspect and repair the caulking around windows and doors.
  • Clean the bottom tray of your windows with a damp cloth to ensure the drain holes function properly.
  • If you have a sump pump, make sure the discharge pipe is in good working order and is draining water away from your home.
  • Check the ground around your foundation walls and add dirt where needed to create positive drainage away from your home.

Trim Trees and Remove Dead Limbs

Spring and fall are both good times to inspect your trees for dead or fallen limbs. Hiring a qualified tree trimmer to prune these dangers away can prevent tree limbs from falling in a storm and causing damage to your roof, power lines and windows.

Protect the Inside of Your Home

The interior of your home will be largely protected from severe weather, but there are still two important items to check inside: your sump pump, if you have one, and your utility service shutoffs.

Inspect and Test Your Sump Pump

Your sump pump system drains any water from around your foundation and then pumps it out and away from your home before it causes damage. You can test your sump pump by pouring a 5 gallon bucket of water into the sump pit. Clean and service the pump if necessary and make sure the sump pit is clear of any debris.

One upgrade Sharp Homes offers is a water source backup sump pump. Should the power fail during a storm, your sump pump would still work using the water service to your home.

Locate Utility Service Shutoffs

Now is also a good time to locate water and gas shutoffs as well as your main electrical panel. After a storm you may need to shut off or disconnect these services from your home to stay safe and limit additional damage.

Family Preparedness

While you are preparing your home for severe weather, it’s also a great time to prepare your family so they can act quickly if storm warnings are issued.

  • Run through your emergency plan or create one.
  • Make sure everyone knows where to go during a tornado warning.
  • Clean and stock your storm shelter, safe room or other area you use during a severe storm.
  • Check supplies, like flashlights, batteries, water and other items you may need during or after a storm.
  • Determine a safe location outside your home, in your neighborhood, to meet after a disaster.

Create a Severe Weather Emergency Kit

We recommend every home have a severe weather emergency kit on hand. Prioritize necessary items and focus on the overall safety. There are great resources online from the American Red Cross for creating an easy emergency handbook for your family. Be sure to include information on your family members and copies of important documents like insurance and social security cards. Other items to include:

  • 1 gallon of water per person
  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Blankets
  • Batteries
  • Hand crank radio
  • All purpose multitool

Stay Prepared or Severe Weather

While we always hope we never have to deal with a major storm, a little preparation now can save you a huge headache later! This short and simple list takes very little time and can help you prepare your home and family for severe weather.